The Data Diva Talks Privacy Podcast

Debbie Reynolds “The Data Diva” talks Data Privacy with industry leaders around the world about issues businesses need to know now.

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“If anybody knows where to go for the types of conversations that they need to have on Data Privacy, you are that person. You are a rock star in this space.”
— Dr. Nicol Turner Lee Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution, and the founder of the AI Equity Lab

"The Data Diva" Talks Privacy Podcast reaches listeners in over 121 countries with over 480,000+ downloads!


"The Data Diva" Talks Privacy Podcast reaches listeners in over 121 countries with over 480,000+ downloads! 〰️

Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E20 - Jennifer Mailander – Deputy General Counsel Fannie Mae Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva" talks to Jennifer Mailander, Deputy General Counsel, Data Privacy & Cybersecurity at Fannie Mae. We discuss the emergence of data privacy as an industry and distinct discipline, the impact of Covid-19 on data privacy in businesses, the impact of CCPA on businesses outside of California, the importance of networking outside of your organization and mentoring, lessons from managing data privacy in large organizations, the idea about the prospect of federal data privacy regulations in the U.S., the impact of international data transfer related to data privacy rules, standard contractual clauses and the Cloud Act, the collaboration between cybersecurity and data privacy teams within organizations, and her wish for data privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E19- Jeff Jockisch – CEO Privacy Plan, Data Privacy Researcher

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva" talks to Jeff Jockisch, the CEO and Data Privacy Researcher at Privacy Plan and Curator of the Global Data Privacy Podcast Database. We discuss his detailed list of over 70 global data podcasts and episodes, linguistics of how people talk about privacy, the taxonomy of data privacy podcast topics, understanding data brokers and how they use data, comprehensive information about data brokers, and how they impact data privacy of individuals and businesses, data dossiers and categorization of individuals, the data accuracy problem with data collection, exclusion and risk-based data use, the regulatory landscape of data brokers and data purpose, privacy as a human right vs. a property right, the idea of a data fiduciary, and his wish for data privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E18 - Kenya Dixon – Information Governance U.S. Government and Private Sector

Debbie Reynolds, "The Data Diva," talks to Kenya Dixon, General Counsel and Chief Operating Officer at Empire Technologies Risk Management Group, who has also served as the Director of Information Governance for the White House and Executive Office of the President. We discuss government regulations related to managing data of U.S. citizens, the impact of facial recognition use by the government on individuals, safeguards for using facial recognition as evidence, the human side of cooperation from individuals within organizations to be successful in information government, how data privacy professionals can be more successful in obtaining information from individuals within organizations, insights on FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) data formulas and data privacy challenges, government vs. consumer data collection and data dossiers, perspectives about the U.S. government’s Privacy Act of 1974, human vs. consumer-based laws, the notion of privacy vs. security, the perspective of privacy in the U.S., data collection preservation and The U.S. Presidential Records Act of 1978, and her wish for data privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E17 – Marie-Claire Péroux

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva," talks to Marie-Claire Péroux, Data Protection Consultant, Jurist, GDPR Specialist, International, and European Economic and Commercial Law. We discuss the U.S. versus European Data Privacy views, Covid-19 notifications in France, principles of privacy by design, changes in Data Privacy laws, innovation and data governance, the EU Data Governance Act, consent and data monetization, trust, and common ground in Data Privacy around the world.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E16 – Amar Kanagaraj CEO of oneDPO

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva" talks to Amar Kanagaraj CEO of oneDPO. We discuss Cultural differences between privacy in the U.S., Europe, and India, update on privacy in India, tackling the problem of complying with privacy regulations worldwide, privacy opportunities in India, far-reaching implications of Data Privacy regulations in the future, leveraging technology to address Data Privacy, privacy engineering and privacy leaks, identity and biometrics, data access audits, data scraping, and his wish for data privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E15 – Tara Taubman-Bassirian LLM Data Rainbow Consultant

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva," talks to Tara Taubman-Bassirian LLM of Data Rainbow, an award-winning GDRP, Data Protection, and IP Consultant. We discuss EU data regulation reform, GDPR enforcement pace, insider threats, consequences of data breaches, cultural differences between American and European Data Privacy, Schrems II, standard contract clauses, the right to be forgotten, data minimization, and wishes for Data Protection in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E14 – Memme Onwudiwe EVP at Evisort AI for Contracts

Debbie Reynolds, "The Data Diva," talks to Memme Onwudiwe, Executive VP at Evisort AI for Contracts. We discuss the Impact of Data Privacy laws on contracts, embracing CCPA, standard contract clause impacts, Force Majeure and Covid-19, complexity of data breach notification landscape in the U.S., the prospect of data monetization, data privacy for the public good, the potential action on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in 2021, Social Media content moderation and legal risks, Big Tech and Antitrust in 2021, the Data Privacy impact on startup companies, and his wish for Data Privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E13 – Gail Gottehrer Law Firm Emerging Technologies

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva," talks to Gail Gottehrer of the Law Firm, Gail Gottehrer LLC, who counsels clients on Emerging Technologies like autonomous vehicles, robots, IoT, etc. We discuss her career transition to emerging technologies, diversity and data privacy, the New York State Bar Association's technology committee work, an explanation of Quantum Computing, Post-Quantum Cryptography, the need for understanding Cybersecurity, data minimization to reduce risk, AI and Data Privacy, privacy and wearable technology, understanding consent with technology use, video interviews, and AI, autonomous vehicles, and her wish for data privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E12 – Zaheer Allam, Ph.D. Smart Cities, Sustainable Futures Urban Strategist, Author

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva," talks to Zaheer Allam, Ph.D., an expert on Smart Cities. He is also an Urban Strategist and an advocate for Sustainable Futures. We discuss the definition of smart cities, the thread of technology through smart cities, citizens needs in different communities, safe cities use of surveillance, sharing data for research and development, use of synthetic data, ethics of data collection, smart cities, and AI bias, Western Culture and technology development, scale and its impact on smart cities, interoperability of data exchange and innovation, proximity-based data solutions, data rebates and other ways to share data in appropriate ways and his wishes for data privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E11 – Beth Winters JD/MBA Solutions Marketing Manager of Aparavi

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva," talks to Beth Wolfson Winters Marketing Solutions at Aparavi. We discuss the impact of Data Privacy on Marketing, career shifts that involve Data Privacy, consent versus notice for global data privacy approach, data privacy policies, types of data privacy technologies, keeping track of CCPA and CPRA data and compliance issues, the challenge of Big Data and Big Data insights, and her wish for Data Privacy in the future."

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E10 – David Goodis Privacy Commissioner Canada

Debbie Reynolds "The Data Diva," talks to David Goodis the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. We discuss his career transition into Data Privacy as a regulator, Data Privacy in Canada at present, a background of Canadian Data Privacy regulations over the last 20 years, current proposals for changes in Canadian Data Privacy regulations PIPEDA and frameworks, the use of AI and automated decision-making, socially acceptable beneficial purposes of data use, the need for transparency, the trust problem, onward data transfer, differences between Canada the U.S. and the EU and privacy legislation, commerce and the role of the FTC and future US data privacy laws, the adequacy question of the EU and Canada, and his wish for privacy enforcement in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E9 – Olga Kislinska, Privacy Compliance Manager, Nike

Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” talks to Olga Kislinska, Privacy Compliance Manager, NIKE. We discuss Olga's journey into a Data Privacy career, operational data privacy, implementation of privacy in businesses, the impact of privacy project management, leveraging transferable skills, translating privacy regulation into actions, privacy in China, the challenge of content moderation around the world, and her wish for Data Privacy in the future.

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Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds

E8 – Mike Bryant of Knox Capital Holdings

Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” talks to Mike Bryant, Partner, Knox Capital Holdings, Venture Capitalist. We discuss the rise of legal technology and data-centered services, the launch of new businesses through digital transformation, investing in technology and services companies, the need for due diligence in cybersecurity and data privacy in business acquisitions, the considerations of looking at data privacy due to a global customer base, advice to young companies who are seeking investors around privacy, technology and cybersecurity, the social and business implications in technologies around data like biometrics, the need to better protect businesses from cyberattacks, biometrics and the development of technologies and talent in Africa, the current state of data privacy regulation in the U.S., antitrust issues and predictions about the regulation of big technology companies in 2021, the rise of cryptocurrencies in the future, the “Data Diva” having a drink with Mike in Washington DC, and an “inside the beltway” story about Scooter Libby.

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Podcast Debbie Reynolds Podcast Debbie Reynolds

E7 – Rohan Light of Decisiv

Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” talks to Rohan Light, CEO of Decisive, AI auditor, Data Ethicist, Humane Data Frameworks creator. We discuss data privacy professionals asking the right questions of businesses, the need for better metaphors and storytelling to explain complex data topics, data commoditization and the human elements of data ownership, the synchronicity of ethics and laws related to data privacy, frameworks related to the management of data privacy, data as a measure of human activity, bias in AI, algorithms, data gathering and analysis, the three thresholds needed to analyze data change, quantum computing and its impact on encryption, data professional as mediators of different views of the world, learning through good data science, the dynamics of biometrics stewardship, a change in FIP(Fair Information Practices) for data privacy purposes, and blockchain application in trust-based governance,

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Podcast Debbie Reynolds Podcast Debbie Reynolds

E6 – Patrick Kelley of Critical Path Security

Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” talks to Patrick Kelley, Chief Technology Officer of Critical Path Security, a premier cybersecurity advisory company. We discuss FIDO (Fast Identity Online), the critical need for a cybersecurity plan and business continuity, proactive approach to cybersecurity, communicating cybersecurity in ways they understand, the basics that businesses miss about cybersecurity, the differences between data privacy and cybersecurity, the increased risk of over-retention of data, the use of geofencing, indiscriminate data collection, the data privacy and the risks of shadow IT, data breach risks with C-suite executives, the need for a culture of cybersecurity, why cybersecurity insurance is not a substitute for cybersecurity, the repercussions for data breaches, the future of data privacy, trust and bundled services.

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Podcast Debbie Reynolds Podcast Debbie Reynolds

E5 - Dawid Jacobs of DAL-Global Inc

Debbie Reynolds “The Data Diva,” talks to Dawid Jacobs, CEO of Diverse Authentication Library DAL-Global Inc, a Global Identity Protection and Authentication. We discuss evidence-based identity authentication, the differences between identity management and access management, what is a digital twin and self-sovereign identity, the problem of financial fraud with fake identities, identity concerns with voting, Identity theft, the bias in facial recognition biometrics identity systems, deep fakes, privacy requirements in the EU (GDPR) and South Africa (POPI) related to authentication of individuals, credit bureaus data collection and data sale, the need to have individuals own their identities, and his wish for data privacy regulation globally.

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Podcast Debbie Reynolds Podcast Debbie Reynolds

E4 – Leonard Lee of neXt Curve

Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” talks to Leonard Lee, Managing Director and Founder of neXt Curve, Industry Analyst, Tech Influencer, and Futurist. We discuss data privacy issues including, deep fakes, the rise of the Internet of things, data monetization models of big tech companies, misinformation and disinformation on the Internet, drone technology, the importance of IOS14 to data privacy, biometrics, the rush to 5G technologies, and the privacy rights of individuals in different countries.

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Podcast Debbie Reynolds Podcast Debbie Reynolds

E3 – Allen Woods

Debbie Reynolds “The Data Diva” talks to Allen Woods, a self-taught computer wiz with over 30 years of data experience on the Internet, data in aerospace, military systems, and how websites access user data. We discuss data privacy issues including, biometrics, deep fakes, GDPR Article 17 (The right to be forgotten), technical literacy, the importance of understating code, the Internet of things, Brexit, the tension between law and technology, legacy system issues with privacy, website cookies and beacons, cyber-attacks of websites, social media and the ability to gain insights without using personally identifiable information.

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Podcast Debbie Reynolds Podcast Debbie Reynolds

E2 – Susan Brown of Zortrex

Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” talks to Susan Brown, Chairwoman of Zortrex, a Data Tokenization Cryptography company. We discuss Susan’s passion for protecting the data of individuals, the difference between tokenization and encryption, her experience in witnessing cybercrime and how it impacts individuals, the psychology of cybercriminals, the protection of biometric data, data privacy and protection knowledge of board members, smart devices and the rise of the Internet of things, and her wish for data privacy in the future.

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Podcast Debbie Reynolds Podcast Debbie Reynolds

E1 - Jeff Salling of Novartis

Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” talks to Jeff Salling, Global Director of eDiscovery Novartis Pharmaceuticals. We discuss the global impact of data privacy regulations on multinational businesses, different perspectives of EU vs. U.S. data privacy concerns, operational awareness around compliance with data privacy laws, the truth about data anonymization and redaction, the reputational harm to businesses who do not take data privacy seriously, Schrems II and the EU-US Privacy Shield invalidation 2020, his wish of unification of US data privacy laws, and memories of castle storming in France with “The Data Diva.”

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The Data Diva Talks Privacy Team Credits

Host – Debbie Reynolds “The Data Diva,” Debbie Reynolds Consulting LLC

A Data Diva Media Production

Producer - Data Diva Media

Producer and Research – MK Holmes - Data Diva Media

Graphic Design - Data Diva Media