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The EU-US Privacy Shield Has Been Invalidated. What Does This Mean For Your Contracts?

On July 16, 2020, the EU Court of Justice issued a judgment declaring the adequacy of the protection provided by the EU-US Privacy Shield as inadequate thus invalidating it. If this sounds like dejavu, it’s because it is. Five years ago, the data protections declared under the Safe Harbour Decision were also struck down and replaced by the now invalidated Privacy Shield.


Not surprisingly, this latest judgement has left many organizations scrambling to update their contracts, yet again, to remove reference to the Privacy Shield and replace them with Standard Contractual Clauses or think about other ways to manage data flow between the US and EU.

December 3

Out with the old and in with the New: eDiscovery Trends in 2020 and Predictions

December 9

Virtual Event: Corporate Counsel Business Journa’s The Inner Circle eDiscovery & Data Privacy